Justice, Equality, and Classic Yellow Mustard
On the 14th of October, 1973, George Floyd was born crying for his mama. On the 25th of May, 2020 he died crying mama. In between he lived as you and I have (and still do…if you’re reading this I’m going to presume you’re conscious), breathing in the preaching of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness while experiencing the indoctrination of work to consume in the pursuit of content. From the time we can effectively communicate we are asked what we want to be and shown the things we can consume. Then we become and tirelessly work to consume while joining tribes of facticities we didn’t choose to be and ideologies we didn’t choose to have conditioned in us. A conditioning forced upon us from our cradle and willingly reinforced by us on our way to the grave by consuming the same unchallenging news (stop watching the news…think of it like drinking juice or the Britney Spears song….fucking toxic), social media, mass produced creative arts, and whatever other content fits into our comfortable bubbles that we aren’t emotionally intelligent enough to burst.
This isn’t to bash capitalism. Capitalism is an ultra-efficient system that produces rapid advancements in technology. Technology that is meant to improve our lives and advance knowledge. But what happens when that technology isn’t available to everyone? What happens when that knowledge is abused for power? What happens when the competitive…